  • 期刊


Effects of Organic Fertilizers on Nitrate Contents of Leafy Vegetables




The nitrate content of the ten leaf vegetables were examined at harvest stage. Results showed that variations in the nitrate content of vegetable leaves among species were significant. Nitrate content of the leaf tissue for large-leaf, and open type vegetables species were higher than that of small-leaf, and erect type species and other stem-type vegetables, such as celery and water convolvulus. Difference in nitrate accumulation among these vegetables varied from 10 to 100 times. The nitrate content was found lower in the leaves of cultivated vegetables for all compost treatments when compared with chemical fertilizer treatment.The effect of cattle manure on accumulation of nitrate in Brassica campestris L. var. chinensis was studied at the rates 800, 1200, 1600 kg /10a. Results showed that the concentration of nitrate in the plant tended to increase as cattle manures rates was increased. Nitrate accumulation was also affected by time of seeding due to the different climatic conditions. Nitrate contents in leaves Chrysanthemum spatiosum Bailey and Lactuca sativa L. seeding in winter season conditions were significantly higher than that of seeding in autumn season.Diurnal changes in nitrate content of leaves varies with light intensity and temperature. The content of nitrate was up to a maximum around 6:00 and decreased towards the afternoon reaching a minimum at 16:00.


Organic fertilizer Leafy vegetables Nitrate
