  • 期刊


Effect of Planting Density on Yield and Quality of Mesona (Mesona procumbens Hemsel.)


為瞭解栽培密度對仙草產量與品質之影響,本試驗以匍匐型品系TYY 3及半直立型品系TYY 4為材料,於1995及1996年在桃園區農業改良場進行試驗。栽培密度採140×30、140×60、140×90及140×120 cm等四種處理。1995年試驗的結果,TYY 3及TYY 4品系均以140×60 cm處理的仙草乾株產量最高,TYY 3品系之凝膠強度會依栽培密度增加而增強的趨勢,而TYY 4品系之凝膠強度在各種栽培密度間差異不大。1996年試驗的結果,TYY 3品系以140×60及140×90 cm處理的仙草乾株產量較高,TYY 4品系仍以140×60 cm處理的仙草乾株產量最高。


栽培密度 仙草 產量 品質


The purpose of this experiment was to realize the appropriate planting density of Mesona. Experiments were conducted during April and October of 1995 and 1996 at Taoyuan District Agricultural Improvement Station. Two new lines, TYY 3 and TYY 4, were tested with four plant densities 140×30, 140×60, 140×90 and 140×120 cm. In 1995 trial both lines showed that planting density in 140×60 cm got the highest yield of stem and leaf, the gel strength of TYY 3 increased as planting density increased while that of TYY 4 was not significantly different among four plant densities. However, TYY 3 in 140×60 cm and 140×90 cm gained a higher yield, while TYY 4 in 140×60 cm showed the highest yield of stem and leaf in 1996.


Planting density Yield Quality Mesona
