  • 期刊


Diagolues of Poetic Beauty in a Chuanqi: Commentaries and Connotaions of "Jin Ao Xin Hua"-a Korean Hanmun Novel in the Meiji Era




This study aims to discuss the literarature review contents and characteristics of ”Jin Ao Xin Hua” (金鰲新話)-a Meiji Era Korean Hanmun novel written by Kim Shi Seup(金時習). The study also explores how ”Jin Ao Xin Hua”'s form and content were being influenced by Cyu You's (瞿佑) ”Jian Deng Xin Hua” (剪燈新話) and its lyricism and individualism emerge as this narrative literature unfolds. The essay contains two parts: (1) commentaries in the context of aesthetics which include the poetic beauty from men of letters, structural analysis of fictional plotting and the far-reachingness of its context management. (2) The writing space of individual orientation which includes the self-awareness of Chuanqi tradition and the lyric content of the narrative text. The analysis focuses on the lyric space of narrative texts, the across time and space inheritance and transformation of narrative literatures, the intellectuals' imagination of their inferno, scholarly arguments and witty dialogues, value consciousness and aesthetic self-awareness of all novel texts and commentaries. This research is expected to provide insight into the characteristics of Chuanqi, Chuanqi's tradition of Sinology and the hearts and minds of the intellectuals across time and space ”Jin Ao Xin Hua” evokes.
