  • 期刊


Textual Style in Discourse Analysis-on the Writing Characteristics of Yu-fen Ke's Prose


目前散文語言藝術的評論主要還是偏重在修辭格。修辭論或意象論可以彰顯出散文的美感,但無法具體呈現其語言的內部結構。以柯裕棻的作品為例,評論者進行文本分析時,關注的焦點多著重於柯裕棻的修辭或敍事形式的探討。然而,散文可能帶出的閱讀感受不僅涉及用詞意象,更關鍵的影響因素在於篇章連貫與資訊組織的形式。本文擬以「小句合成體」(clause complex)為研究單位,參考現代漢語的話語分析、書面長句子等研究成果,分析柯裕棻散文中長句構成的模式,略論其語言運用規律與書寫風格之間的聯繫。


The contemporary critiques on the language of prose mainly focus on its rhetorical devices. Rhetoric or imago could reflect the aesthetic of prose, however, they might overlook the inner structures of language. Taking Yu-fen Ke's works as examples, some textual analysis focused mainly on their rhetoric or narrative forms. However, the reading experiences of prose not only involve the imago of word choice but also the textual coherence and the information structure. Based on the discourse unit of ”clause-complexes,” Mandarin Chinese discourse analysis and the research findings on long sentences, this paper aims to analyze Ke's writing model of long sentences and briefly discuss the relationship between Ke's patterns of language use and her writing style.


discourse analysis clause complex Yu-fen Ke style
