  • 期刊


The Lyricism and Reception of Ji Yongren's Prison Writings: The Construction of Lyricism in Early Qing Zaju Drama




Zaju drama in the early Qing dynasty, known for its strong lyricism, was deeply influenced by the Chinese poetic tradition and the Ming Zaju. The play Xu lisao by Ji Yongren (1637-1676), a victim of the "Revolt of the three feudatories," is a good case in point. Naturally, scholars have tended to focus on the relationship between the author and the text with a view to examining the author's personal feelings and emotions. The role of readers has escaped scholarly attention. In this article, by reconstructing Ji's experience in prison, I first re-examine the lyricism of his poems and Xu lisao which he wrote in prison, with a focus on the two seemingly conflicting yet closely related emotional types, namely, "loyalty" (zhong) and "resentment" (yuan). I then examine the reading practices of contemporary and subsequent readers of Ji's poems and dramas and show how Ji's emotions were perceived, received, and interpreted by his readers. Above all, I attempt to demonstrate that, in addition to the author and the text, the reader also played a pivotal role in the construction of the lyricism of literati drama. As such, this article not only sheds light on how the life experience of the playwright might allow for the subsequent interpretations of Xu lisao from a lyrical perspective but also makes a methodological contribution in the study of classical Chinese drama. More broadly, studying Ji's plays from the perspective of readers opens a window into the nature of Zaju in the early Qing as well as the lyricism of literati dramas and other narratives in premodern China.


周•左丘明傳,晉•杜預注,唐•孔穎達正義:《春秋左傳正義》,北京:北京大學出版社,2000 年。
漢•趙岐注,宋•孫奭疏:《孟子注疏》,北京:北京大學出版社,2000 年。
漢•司馬遷著,宋•裴駰集解,唐•司馬貞索隱、張守節正義:《史記》,北京:中華書局,1959 年。
東漢•班固撰,唐•顏師古注:《漢書》,北京:中華書局,1962 年。
