  • 期刊


Preliminary Study on the Accuracy Analysis of Land Revision of Digitized Cadastral Map with Graphic Free Station


圖解法於無圖根點可用之情形下,以傳統人工套圖方式於地籍圖上修正測站位置後,據以辦理土地複丈業務;基於此方法求得測站成果概念,以及目前全省各地政事務所已陸續完成圖解數化成果與未來邁向三圖合一之大環境等條件因素,提出以圖解自由測站法進行數化成果重測精度評估模式,以克服目前數化成果無圖根點、圖幅伸縮破損、獨立局部坐標系統等問題,並藉以改變傳統圖解法平板測量方式,以數值法方式辦理土地複丈業務,提昇土地複丈施測品質。 以圖解自由測站法求得地籍圖上之測站成果與實地圖根測量成果作為坐標系統轉換之加密共同點,並依相鄰圖根點間圖上邊長與實測邊長之距離變化情形劃分不同轉換區。為達到轉換後數化成果坐標整合之目的,依實測現況點約制數化成果,使數化成果與實測現況點成果一致,以提昇圖解數化成果品質符合數值地籍圖重測精度要求。


In the no-control-point area of graphical cadastral map, the overlay of a current map and a cadastral map is used for determining the coordinate of a free-station and handling land revision business. Recently, graphical cadastral maps are digitized completely and land offices try to integrated the cadastral, topographical, urban planning maps into a unique consistent map with the same coordinate. In this study, a model of using free-station method is developed to accurate the digitized maps and improve the problem as no-control-point, maps shrank, inflated, tattered, different coordinate systems, etc. By using numerous surveying on land revision business, the quality can be improved. The free-station results of graphical maps and current results of control points can be used as the common points of coordinate transformation. According to the length between neighboring control points, the interested area is divided into different zones for coordinate transformation. When transforming coordinates some surveying marks are constraint in order to get consistent result between the digitized maps and the surveyed. The digitized results can be meet the requirements of the precision of land revision survey.
