  • 期刊


Effects of Three Decoctions from Jin-Gui-Yao-Luch Treated Acute Cholangiolitic Hepatitis Induced by Alpha-Naphthy-lso Thiocyanate in Rats


本研究目的在探討金匱要略治療黃疸的三個方劑,包括梔子大黃湯、茵陳五苓散及大黃硝石湯,對奈異硫氰酸脂(ANIT)誘發大白鼠急性膽道性黃疸型肝炎,比較其退黃的作用和抗肝細胞損傷的療效,並以Jonker's病理半定量分析,觀察比較各方劑對病理組織變化的改善情形。 結果顯示:當劑量為1g/kg時,梔子大黃湯、菌陳五苓散及大黃硝石湯三者皆有降低高膽紅素血症及抗肝細胞損傷的作用,其中以大黃硝石湯療效最佳;而僅菌陳五苓散有改善膽道阻塞的作用。當劑量達2g/kg時,三者的療效較1g/kg時更佳,除了降低高膽紅素血症及抗肝細胞損傷作用外,還有改善膽道阻塞的作用,其中仍以大黃硝石湯療效最佳。在病理組織學上,三者主要作用在減少白血球的浸潤,抑制對肝細胞的傷害,而達到保肝的作用。


The purpose of study was to evaluate the effects of three decoctions including Zhi-Zi-Da-Huang Tan (ZDT), Yin-Chen-Wu-Ling San (YWS), Da-Huang-Xiao-Shi Tan (DXT) from Jin-Gui-Yao-Luch treated acute cholangiolitic hepatitis induced by Alpha-naphthyisothiocyanate (ANIT) in rats. And it was observed and compared by pathological lesion treated with the prescriptions by Jonker's pathologically semi-quantitative analysis. Results demonstrated that ZDT, YWS, DXT (1g/kg) significantly decreased hyperbilirubinemia and anti-liver damage and DXT was most effectiveness among of them. Whereas, only YWS showed significant improvement for treating cholangiolitis. The study showed that these decoctions with 2g/kg present significantly therapeutic efficacy of decreased hyperbilirubinemia, anti-liver damage and anti-cholangiolitis in rats. Among of them DXT was a choice of prescription. The aspect of pathological change treated with above decoctions revealed a decrease of white count infiltration to prevent liver injury.
