  • 期刊


Origin Criticized of Formula Recipes Channel Entry Theory


方劑歸經理論是方劑學發展史上鮮少人討論的理論。透過對於藥物歸經與方劑學發展史時交叉追尋,發現在歷史上方劑歸經觀念的起源與發展過程,僅出現在明初劉純與清初汪昂的書中。 結果發現,方劑歸經理論自劉氏開始,從藥物歸經理論發展而來,而兩百多年後,汪氏將方劑歸經的內容廣加增補,而成為其所著醫方集解的特色。至目前為止,在史料上沒有強而有力的證據顯示,劉氏與汪氏兩位醫家有共同的中醫學術傳承背景,但若以寬廣的角度來說,他們可以說是承襲了金元時期張元素、李杲、王好古的藥物歸經觀念。


方劑學 方劑歸經 藥物歸經 劉純 汪昂


Channel entry theory of formula recipes was a rarely discussed hypothesis in the development history of prescription formulology. Cross following herbs channel entry and development history of prescription formulology, it was to find the origin and process of development for concept of formula recipes channel entry in history. It only appeared the medical writers of Liu-Cun in early Mm dynasty and Wang-Ang in early Qing dynasty. Results showed that the theory of formula recipes channel entry started from Liu's and evolved from herbs channel entry hypothesis. And two hundred years later, the content of formula recipes channel entry was broadened and became the character istic of Yi-fang-ji-jie written by Wang's. Untill now, there is no strong evidence in historical materials demonstrating that both Liu's and Wang's had scholarly background in traditional Chinese medicine. From a broader extent, they might have accepted the concept of herbs channel entry theory from Yuan-su Zhang, Dong-yuan Lee and Hao-gu Wang in Jin-Yuan dynasty.

