  • 期刊


The Influence of Electrical Stimulation on Strength of Quadriceps Femoris in Healthy Male


神經肌肉電刺激已廣泛應用於臨床神經肌肉的復健工作上。近幾年來,劑量化強度的神經電刺激方法則上未有顯著的發現。 本篇研究的目的在於探討二種不同劑量強度的電刺激對於正常年輕男性股四頭肌之(1)等長肌力、(2)等速向心肌力、(3)等速離心肌力、(4)大腿腿圍及皮脂厚、(5)運動能力的影響。23位年輕男性受試者志願參與本實驗,本研究中所使用的電刺激訓練模式為訓練非慣用腳,將2500Hz之中頻正弦波調制成每秒50個波組,每次電刺激10秒休息50秒,每次訓練電刺激15次,每週訓練三次,共訓練四週。對30%MVC組以最大等長自主收縮肌力之30%作為電刺激強度,對60%MVC組則以最大等長自主收縮肌力之60%為電刺激強度,控制組則不進行電刺激訓練。電刺激訓練前後進行肌力及運動能力的測試,測試的項目包括雙腳股四頭肌等長肌力、等速離心肌力、等速向心肌力及運動能力的測試。所有的肌力測量及電刺激時之肌力測量皆以Kin-Com等速測力機進行。 結果顯示(1)相對於控制組,60%MVC組及30%MVC組之非慣用腳在等速離心肌力皆有顯著增加。(2)60%MVC組非慣用腳在等長肌力進步百分比方面較30%MVC組及控制組有顯著增加。(3)在運動能力方面,三組訓練前後並無顯著差異。 結果證實特定且定量化的電刺激訓練對於股四頭肌等速肌力及等張肌力有增加的效果。發展量化的電刺激訓練計劃對於肌肉訓練及復健運動為相當重要的方法。


Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) has been used as a neuromuscular rehabilitation method for many years. Recently, quantitative NMES intensity on muscular strength training has not been reported with significant findings. We investigate if different electrical stimulation intensity showed different effects in increasing muscle strength of quadriceps femoris (QF), thigh circumference and athletic performance of healthy men. The ES training mode in this study was quantified and using median frequency (2500Hz) stimulation that modulated to 50 bursts per second. The intensity of ES was set at 60% and 30% of maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVC) of QF at knee flexion 60 degree. 23 healthy male were randomly assigned into 60% MVC (N=7), 30% MVC (N=7) and control group (N=9). 12 training sessions each included 15 times of ES to QF of non-dominant (ND) side lasted for 4 weeks. The ES duty cycle was 10 seconds of ES which induced isometric contraction at knee flexion 60 degree and then 50 seconds for rest. The isometric, concentric, and eccentric strength of both thighs were evaluated by Kin-Corn 500H before and after ES training. The athletic performance and fat composition were tested as well. The results showed 1. The isometric strength increased percentage of ND-QF of 60% MVC group were significant greater than 30% MVC group and control group at knee flexion 90 and 60 degree. 2. The ND eccentric strength at different speed all increased significantly in 60% MVC and 30% MVC groups with comparison to the control group. 3. No significant improvement in the athletic performance was found in either group. The results suggested that the ES training appeared to be effective in developing isokinetic and isometric strength of QF, but no influence to the athletic performance and fat composition.
