  • 期刊

A Portable PAROTEC Insole Plantar Pressure Measurement System: Foot Pressure Distribution of Ten Healthy Adults



隨著科技進步,從前只能在實驗室使用足底壓力測量系統,現在可以在臨床上普遍使用。了解足底壓力測量系統,將有助於臨床工作者使用。而PAROTEC系統是一種可攜帶且方便的測量足底壓力系統。本實驗是以PAROTEC系統來測量10位健康成年人的足底壓力分布,以提供臨床工作者選擇足底壓力測量系統之參考。結果發現:不論在靜態站立或動態走路,足跟(heel)和蹠骨頭(metatarsal head)部分所顯示的壓力大於其他足底區域,這些發現與其他實驗使用不同足底壓力測量系統的實驗結果一致,本實驗中,作者提出此系統使用限制,包括同步訊號、足底感應器位置、解析度等問題。然而此系統操作簡單且受試者配合意願高,因此作者相信針對足底壓力測量系統而言,PAROTEC系統是合適的臨床篩選工具。


The plantar pressure measurement systems have become more practical and affordable for use in the clinical practice. In this report the PAROTEC system was used to measure ten healthy adults' plantar pressure distribution. The heel and metatarsal head experienced the greatest pressure during static standing and dynamic walking. These findings are similar to those of previous studies. The PAROTEC system is easy for the clinician to handle and easy for the subject to carry. However, the real time data demonstration, memory card data storage, and the sensor area covered surface might limit its use to specific foot conditions. It did not have as detailed resolution as those of the matrix devices. Therefore, the PAROTEC system may be a good tool in screening patients. The patient might need further evaluation after testing by the PAROTEC system.
