  • 期刊

The Interrater Reliability of Functional Assessment of Activities of Daily Living for Stroke Patients - A Preliminary Report





The activity of daily living scale addresses the dependency status of the patient during treatment and as a postdischarge predictor. The purpose of this study was to test the interrater reliability of the physical therapy staff in assessing 4 physical activities -w/c mobility, bed mobility, transfer, and ambulation, by use of a 1 to 7 scoring criteria in 20 patients with stroke. Seven physical therapists employed at a rehabilitation department volunteered to participate as raters. Each of the 7 raters was randomly paired with each of the other 6 raters. The therapists were not familiar with the scoring criteria. Our results indicate that high percentages of exact agreement between raters and high Kappa values are found in w/c mobility and bed mobility. Clinicians who have not had experience with the assessment criteria demonstrated a low level of interrater reliability in transfer and ambulation evaluation. It is recommended that specific training is needed for assessing transter and ambulation function in stroke patients.
