  • 期刊


An Applied General Equilibrium Analysis of WTO Tariff Reduction on Taiwan's Economy with Scale Economies and Imperfect Competition


本文的主要研究目的為考量規模報酬與市場結構差異性,透過台灣CGE模型與資料庫的建立,在短期與長期的情境下探討我國加入WTO後承諾的關稅減讓,對台灣總體與產業經濟的影響。首先我們參考國際知名的澳洲ORANI模型建立了一個完全競爭市場結構的CGE基本模型;其次,考慮我國經濟體存在不完全競爭市場結構的事實,參考Abayasiri-Silva and Horridge(1998, 1999),架構出另一個不完全競爭市場結構的CGE模型。在短期的情境下,廠商的個數固定,可能存在有淨利潤的現象;而在長期的情境下,由於廠商的自由進出(廠商的個數為內生變數),淨利潤將不存在。在模型中,規模報酬分成廠商層級與產業層級兩種情況來探討,而廠商的定價法則分完全競爭、Lerner定價、及Harris(1984)主觀設定等法則加以分析。 研究結果顯示,關稅減讓對台灣總體經濟的衝擊受到生產技術設定、定價行為以及市場結構的影響相當顯著,而對個別產業也是如此。在不完全競爭市場結構下,關稅減讓對我國的總體經濟與產業經濟衝擊較劇;Harris定價法對總體及各產業所產生的實質衝擊比Lerner定價法還顯著。就總體經濟而言,各情境模擬結果均反應,關稅減讓所肇致成本節省的效益,將大於產業保護效果的降低,有助於台灣整體經濟加速成長。在不完全競爭市場結構下,將產生促進競爭效果(pro-competitive effect),政策實質效益優於完全競爭市場。在對各產業發展的產出擴張效果方面,以技術密集工業與運銷服務業所受到的產出帶動效果為多。


The objective of this paper is to examine the short-run and long-run effects of tariff reduction (unilateral trade liberalization) on Taiwan’s economy using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model which incorporates economies of scale and imperfect competition. The present model, built on the work of Abayasiri-Silva and Horridge (1998, 1999), describes a 9-sector CGE model of Taiwan’s economy, and covers short-run as well as long-run profit-maximizing behavior of the firm. Economies of scale are incorporated in the model at the industry level and the firm level. The pricing behavior is modeled as perfectly competitive, monopolistically competitive and in other ad hoc ways, as in Harris (1984). Simulation results show that tariff reduction caused import-competing industries such as agriculture to shrink. On the other hand, marketing and services industries and exporting industries such as IT industries expanded. The major conclusion is that the estimated gains from tariff reduction are larger in the industrial organization model (with economies of scale and imperfect competition) than those gains estimated from the competitive model.


Abayasiri-Silva, K., Horridge, M.(1998).Increasing Returns and Economic Analysis.London:Macmillan.
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