  • 期刊


A Study of Information Exchange between Public Relations and Journalists of Tourism and Transportation Industries


本研究主要目的在探討旅運業公關與旅運路線記者訊息交換過程的互動關係,採用社會交換、公共關係、傳播等理論設計訪談問題,以滾雪球抽樣選取旅運業公關與旅運路線記者各六位,合計十二位,除運用質性研究深度訪談探討旅運業公關與旅運路線記者訊息交換互動現況,再蒐集旅運新聞事件等相關文獻資料佐證,並以Bogdan and Biklen (2005)的編碼方式分析,總結對本研究議題的結論與發現: 一、旅運反制報導,退報紙停廣告,旅運記者不滿。 二、皆為業務推展,互相供應訊息,雙方各取所需。 三、共同出國雙贏,關係加速密實,公關記者受惠。 四、找出衝突主因,公關延遲訊息,記者未能查證。 五、記者專業不足,旅運新聞事件,負面影響擴大。 六、廣告新聞不分,記者天人交戰,旅運業想行銷。


旅運業 公共關係 記者 社會交換 傳播


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship and interaction of information exchange between public relations and journalists of tourism and transportation industries. Theories of social exchange, public relation, and communication were the framework to design the research questions. Using snowball sampling, both 6 public relations and journalists, total 12 interviewees, were interviewed for the study. Both interview transcripts and related documents were used as the qualitative data, the Bogdan and Biklen (2005) coding strategy was used for data analysis. To conclude, six results and findings were, 1. journalists were not satisfied the cancellation of newspaper ordering and advertisement booking from tourism and transportation industries. 2. journalists and public relations exchanged information for the purpose of promoting the business. 3. both parties went abroad together in order to increase mutual relationships, public relations got benefits. 4. both found the reasons of confrontation; public relations delayed the information, journalists also did not check the information. 5. without professional reporting, journalists may cause the bigger negative impacts. 6. tourism news become advertising travel products, journalists face the dilemma, public relations want the sells.
