  • 期刊


The Research on the Relationship among the Quality of Festival, Visitors' Satisfaction and Loyalty: Taking 2008 & 2009 Taichung Lantern Festival as an Example


節慶活動在近幾年的台灣蓬勃發展,公私部門對其賦予提升地方形象、帶動產業發展、宣傳文化藝術、開發觀光收益等不同功能的期待。以節慶為主體的研究,多聚焦於遊客動機、滿意度與忠誠度,節慶活動能否永續發展,遊客的感受當然是關鍵要素,但若能從遊客的消費進一步瞭解活動所帶動的經濟效益,則更能完整呈現活動的執行成果。本研究以近兩年的固定節慶活動為例(2008 & 2009台中燈會),以問卷調查方式探討遊客對活動品質的感受、滿意度、忠誠度及消費狀況,並分析屆期別與遊客屬性在各研究變項是否有交互作用,最後經由跨樣本的線性結構方程式確認模式的內涵與結構組成,希望以此作為相關節慶活動評估的參考模式。研究發現:1.屆期別與遊客屬性對各研究變項(節慶活動品質、滿意度、忠誠度及消費金額)之部分構面有交互影響;2.滿意度模式則達理想的模式契合度,結果顯示節慶活動品質對滿意度及忠誠度有直接影響,且滿意度對忠誠度也有直接影響;滿意度扮演中介角色。節慶活動品質不論是在滿意度,或是忠誠度之各路徑系數上皆達顯著影響效果,表示其為重要的影響因素。


With the vigorous development of festival all over Taiwan in recent years, the organizations, both public and private, hope it can meet their different expectations or needs to improve their local image, industrial development, cultural arts transmission and tourism benefit. Generally, most of the festival activities researches focused on the visitor's motivation, satisfaction and loyalty, it's so much as important as the visitor's feelings in the sustainable festival activities development; however, it is more complete to reflect the achievement from the views of visitors' expense to analyze the economic benefit deriving from the festival activities. Taking the 2008 & 2009 Taichung Lantern Festival as the examples, this research tried to explore the visitors' feelings, satisfaction, loyalty and expense in the activities by means of questionnaire survey, and realize the interaction between different years and different attribute of visitors, as well as recognize the meaning and structure of the model eventually through Linear Structural Equation Model with the multi-sample analysis, the research was expected to establish a model which can provide the reference to the related festival activities. Two findings are: 1) part of components of variables including festival activities, visitors' satisfaction, loyalty and expense have the influences with one another among different years and different visitors' attribute 2) Satisfaction Model fit has been reached in this research, it reveals that festival activities have direct influences on visitors' satisfaction and loyalty; besides, the visitors' satisfaction also plays the mediating role which influence on loyalty directly. The quality of festival activities, which is also the essential element, has shown its significant influence either on the path coefficient of the visitors' satisfaction or on the loyalty.


