  • 期刊


A Preliminary Proposed Procedures for Handling Nonresponse Issues-The Case of Consumer Satisfaction Survey of National Scenic Areas


問卷調查中經常會面臨受訪者沒有回應(nonresponse)的困擾,因此,本研究首先比較對應分析(correspondence analysis)與模糊資料包絡分析(fuzzy data envelopment analysis,FDEA)在分析上之差異,進而運用FDEA構建一簡潔有效之分析工具,對2008年之台灣國家風景區反映之問卷調查加以評估,檢視遊客在觀光景點之消費支出與服務滿意度,即可獲得簡易且具效度的旅客評價結果。結果顯示:日月潭國家風景區、阿里山國家風景區、茂林國家風景區和北海岸及觀音山國家風景區的效率值最佳;相對的,馬祖國家風景區、雲嘉南濱海國家風景區和西拉雅國家風景區在2008年的調查中效率值較低。


The implicit information of nonresponse of survey always bother researcher of marketing. Hence, firstly, this study compares the results of correspondence analysis with the results of fuzzy data envelopment analysis(FDEA). And with FDEA, this study constructs a brief and effective measurement on evaluating the performance of national scenic areas in Taiwan in 2008. With the survey data of consumer satisfaction and expenditure, we can compile an indicator, which is equivalent to the results of alternative survey in the same site.The results shows that among the 13 national scenic areas Sun Moon Lake, Alishan, Maolin, North Coast and Guanylinshan have the best performance in the evaluation. On the contrary, national scenic areas of Matsu, Southwest Coast and Siraya got the lowest score in the consumer satisfaction survey of 2008.
