  • 期刊


Gobalization, Localization and Aborigines' culture-A Case Study of Men's House of Pancah


阿美族的會所(Taluan)文化,是阿美族公認的優質文化,它是阿美古早的學校、年齡階級聚會所、法庭、各級年齡層之會議場所、老人傳藝所、文化傳承中心、人力供應中心、活動祭儀中心、休閒運動、知識、天文、醫藥傳導中心••••功能。它具有傳承文化的功能,是值得傳承維護發展的文化,它未來可充實社會優質的文化,可充作國際性之文化資產及資源,我們一定要加快步伐,營造這個具在地與全球性連結功能之文化;會所成爲阿美族復振文化培育幼苗,社會化最理想的場所,使阿美原住民族之民族與文化永續發展,減少阿美族在主流文化衝擊下所產生的種種文化疏離和社會問題。 國際人權目前已演變到第三代,國際上爲注重人權,對文化權、族群自決的保障,是鑑於原住民族、或其他少數族群、弱勢族群面臨外在的強迫同化壓力瀕臨族群瓦解危機之故。現在第四世界(Fourth world)的概念是由加拿大原住民組織的領袖George Manuel在1974年提出。第四世界概念的提出,使得各個國家境內的原住民各族,從最弱勢的被統治者的地位,提升到與作爲國際法律定律或政治實體的國家,或國家主流得以相提並論的地位。而原住民族運動所訴求的「文化權、土地權、自決權」也反過來在理論層次,使第四世界的概念更深化、具體化,今天第四世界已經成爲“原住民世界”的代名詞。更爲原住民族政治力量的統整及組織化提供了良好的基礎。 台灣原住民族對於文化復振之課題,絕不能自外於潮流,即刻復振己族群文化,但如何復振?要復振哪些文化?是全單照收傳統文化?抑或是文化優質部分?經筆者田野調查、訪談、問卷調查、報導人報導等資料分析得知,大部認爲復振文化特質與優質的部份,也不能一成不變,應有創新的部份,這樣才有傳統與現在搭配、在地與全球之聯結。部落共同參與、社區大家認同,公私部門必須大力鼓勵與支持,方能有營造社區之契機。綜上所述,選擇阿美族會所文化爲切入點,從事筆者之探研。


The traditional culture and custom of aborigines has their unique aspects. However, due to the impact of modern civilization, they have been neglected for a long time. There is actually latent capacity for development in the resources of nature and art as well as the crafts bred by the aborigines and the environment they live in. If well-planned and developed as an industry, not only can we establish the local characteristics, but we can also preserve and popularize the aboriginal culture. In recent years, culture and creative industry has become a prevailing trend all over the world, and the government also gives active impetus to it. We can create more products, bring out innovative styles and even upgrade the culture level and the value added. Nevertheless, literature related with the design added-value model of aborigines' culture merchandise shows that, there is a lack in the research of similar models. Thus this research project has come into being. The main purpose of this research is to find out ”Taluan of aborigines' culture” that best fits aborigines. With the Pancah as subjects and focused on their culture, through qualitative verification and the in-depth interview with craftsmen, owners of arts and crafts stores, experts in literature and history, and related official organizations, the outline of the model is formed.


