  • 期刊


The meanings of the Chinese 法and 律: An Analysis on the Issues of the Western Legal Language Regarding Translation and Meaning in the Terms 'the Law and the Right', the Legal Science, and Jurisprudence


中文的「法」與「律」或「法律」,在字義上並未具有西方「法與權利」(jus)、正義的概念,迨西方法學東漸,中文的「法」、「律」與「法律」在字義上必須與西方「法與權利」、正義聯繫起來,因而透過舊語新詮,賦予「法」與「法律」在字義上的更新,以作為世界觀改變後溝通中西法律語詞意義之所需。而中文「法學」一詞,亦非傳統所稱之「律學」或「法學」之義,而是譯自jurisprudence或science of law,於是在學界使用「法學」一詞時,便有著哲學的法學,抑或科學的法學的爭論。然jurisprudence亦譯為「法理學」,其語詞意義也受到西方法哲學或法理論範圍論辯的影響,又與法學、法律學、基礎法學、法學基礎理論等名詞混淆。本文從字義訓詁、語源辨析與中西法律語言的迻譯,分別考察「法」、「律」與「法律」字義在「現在」的舊語新詮,以及探討對譯於西語之「法學」、「法理學」等譯名及其意涵問題。


法律 法學 法理學 法哲學 法理論


The Chinese 法 and 律, or 法律, do not bear the meaning of 'the law and the right' (jus), nor do they embody the concept of justice. It was not until the Western legal thought made its appearance in China did the meaning of 法 and 律, or 法律, started to bear the meaning of 'the law and the right' as a result of the play of the Western ideology. Thus, it gives the old Chinese language a new connotation, and hence the new meanings of 法 and 法律 as we understand them today. The Chinese 法學 is translated from the word jurisprudence or science of law , but since it refers to 法學 as 'philosophy of law' no less than it may refer to 法學 as 'legal science', when it is used in the academic circle it always gives rise to the discrepancy of which of the two meanings it really means. Moreover, the word jurisprudence, as specified by the philosophy of law and the legal theory, is also translated as 法理學 in Chinese, and this confuses furthermore with the Chinese terminology 法學, 法律學, 基礎法學, and 法學基礎理論. This paper is an attempt, by etymological means, to make clear the meanings of 法and 律 in ancient Chinese books and to search for the Western legal language sources to differentiate the meanings of 法, 律 and 法律, to discuss the appropriateness of the term jurisprudence as translated into the Chinese 法學 and 法理學 in tense of their present connotations as well as to study on issues regarding translation, language and meaning.


jus lex law jurisprudence philosophy of law legal theory


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