  • 期刊

研究歐洲德語檢定考試的結構以及內容-以Start Deutsch以及Zertifikat Deutsch的書面考試為例

Research on the Structure and the Content of the European German Certificate. Taking Start Deutsch and Zertifikat Deutsch as an Example


凡是通過語言檢定考試,就可以拿到證書,即所謂的「語言證照」。近幾年台灣又開始流行德語檢定考試,主要原因是歐洲語言檢定考試(Die Europäische Sprachenzertifikate; The European Language Certificate)受歐洲各國承認,換句話說,只要通過歐洲德語檢定考試,可以到德國、瑞士以及奧地利就讀或工作。再者愈來愈多德國企業界要求求職者考過德語檢定考試,而台灣德文系也要求學生畢業前通過德語檢定考試,例如高雄第一科大德文系大學生須通過德語檢定考試第三級Zertifikat Deutsch,而碩士生須通過德語檢定考試第四級TestDaf才能畢業。又文藻亦是如此:大專畢業生(五專生和二技生)均須通過Zertifikat Deutsch方能畢業,換句話說:即使學業成績及格,若是無法通過德語檢定考試,仍然不能畢業,可見德國檢定考試在台灣愈來愈受重視。 本論文首先解析歐洲德語檢定考試Start Deutschl、Start Deutsch 2及Zertifikat Deutsch的考試內容以及形式,再者分析德文系學生參加這三種考試的結果,以便確定現今德文系學生是否能通過歐洲德語檢定考試以及分析台灣德文系學生面對此考試時所產生的困難。


We are now in a time of license. More and more people need the European German Certificate (EGC), because these examinations are acknowledged in the whole European. When one has passed the EGC, he can go to Germany, Switzerland and Austria to study or to work. More and more German enterprises request that the employees should pass EGC. Many universities and colleges (for example Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Wenzao Ursuline College of Language) request that the students should pass the EGC before their graduating. This paper first analyzes the content of the EGC including Start Deutsch 1, Start Deutsch 2 and Zertifikat Deutsch. Then in order to see if the students of German Department can pass the examinations, we let the students of the first year and the second year take Start Deutsch 1 and Start Deutsch 2 respectively, and let the students of the third year and the forth year take Zertifikat Deutsch. Furthermore, according to the difficulties of the students about the examinations some suggestions are given to present German teaching.


Perlmann-Balme, Michaela,Kiefer, Peter(2004).Start Deutsch A1/A2. Prüfungsziele, Testbeschreibung.München:
Dinsel, Sabine,Reimann, Monika(2004).Fits fürs Zertifikat Deutsch. Tipps und Übungen.München:
