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The Activities of Daily Living among Residents with Stroke in Long-term Care Facilities


本研究旨在探討機構內腦中風住民之日常生活活動功能,採橫斷式相關性研究設計,以立意取樣方式選取高雄市四家養護機構60位腦中風住民為研究對象,以三份結構式問卷收集資料,包含人口學基本屬性問卷表、巴氏量表及工具性日常生活活動量表,以中文版SPSS 14.0進行資料分析。結果發現養護機構之腦中風住民︰(1)日常生活活動功能(ADLs)、工具性日常生活活動功能(IADLs)為嚴重依賴;(2) 教育程度不同在ADLs上有顯著差異;(3)經濟來源不同,在IADLs上有顯著差異;(4) 相關分析得知,IADLs得分越高,ADLs得分越高;線性迴歸分析得知,教育程度為IADLs之預測因子,可解釋19.5%之變異量。本研究建議養護機構專業人員應持續評估腦中風住民之日常生活活動功能並加強其身體功能的復健,以增進腦中風住民日常生活活動功能。


The purpose of this study was to explore the activity of daily living (ADLs) among stroke residents in long-term care facilities. This study was a cross-sectional correlation design. Purposive sampling was adopted to collect data in four long-term care facilities, in Kaohsiung. A total of 60 stroke residents was recruited, in 2007. Three structured questionnaires were implemented to collect data, including demographic background, activity of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activity of daily living (IADLs). Statistical software SPSS14.0 was used for data analysis. The results demonstrated: (1) The ADLs and IADLs of stroke residents in long-term care facilities were highly dependent; (2) The residents with a higher educational attainment had a higher function of IADLs than the residents with a lower educational attainment; (3) The economic resources has a significant difference in IADLs; (4) The score of the IADLs had a significant correlation with the ADLs. The educational attainment was a significant factor in predicting the IADLs of stroke residents, and accounted for 19.5% of the variance. This study suggests that it is important for providing a training course for nurses to enhance ADLs and IADLs function of stroke residents in long-term care facilities.


