  • 期刊


When the Tradition Meets the Emerging: An Initial Exploration of the Youth Worship in the Lutheran Churches of Taiwan


近年來,青年崇拜(Youth Worship,以下簡稱為青崇)已是台灣許多教會青年事工中相當重要的一環,其中當然也包括具備悠久神學傳統的信義宗教會。雖然青崇事工發展蓬勃,但卻鮮少關於青崇之神學論述,遑論是立基於宗派傳統之神學反省。本研究首先將透過信義宗之神學傳統—路德神學(Luther's Theology)及信義宗信條(Lutheran Confessions),以跨文化進路(intercultural approach)探討青崇之神學基礎。其次,將介紹四個台灣信義宗教會之青崇事工個案,並探究信義宗傳統在個別個案中之影響,此外,也將嘗試建立初步的分類模式:青年崇拜事工(Youth Worship Ministry)和以崇拜為基底的青年事工(Worship-Based Youth Ministry)。


The purpose of this study is to make theological reflections on the youth worship, especially based on the viewpoints of the relationship between worship and culture from the Lutheran tradition and contemporary Lutheran theology. In this study, I point out that there should be threefold interaction between youth worship and youth culture: youth worship is trans-youth-cultural, in-youth-cultural and counter-youth-cultural simultaneously, and cross-youth-cultural. Furthermore, there are four cases of youth worship in Lutheran Churches of Taiwan to be considered in this study, and they are categorized into two types: youth worship ministry and worshipbased youth ministry.
