  • 期刊


The Interplay between Individuals and the Religious Organization: A Case Study of a Cell-group Church in Taipei




This paper aims to observe cell-group churches in Taipei's metropolitan area. These cell-groups have been widely influenced by the charismatic movement. This paper will also examine the interaction between individuals and the organization within these groups. By adopting a cell-group strategy, church organizations deliver a particular, intended value. Embodied in a metropolitan middle-class community, a rational, McDonaldized, and object-oriented organization manifests middle-class culture. This study discusses the interaction between the supply side and the demand side in a religious market in the framework of the economics of religion and rational choice perspectives. While the organization itself is rational and calculable, charismatic activities play a role in distinguishing the secular world from the religious world, thus strengthening the members' identity as Christians. Individuals interact and negotiate with the organization by using capital from the secular world. In this interaction process, the church is now more actively involved than ever before. The preferences of the members as well as the products provided by the church both serve to shape and transform Christian culture in Asia.
