  • 期刊


The Issue of Colonial Administration and Assimilation in Education in Taiwan during Japanese Occupation




After Japan, an imperialistic nation, occupied Taiwan as her first colony, She followed the colonial policies of Britain, France and other imperialist predecessors and at the same time groping for a way to rule Taiwan. During the late Taisho period, the Japan government clearly adopted the assimilation policies of ”inland territorial expansionism”, which in addition to law and system, used education to achieve cultural assimilation and integration of national enlightenment .Under the threat of the Great Powers, Japan rapidly established a Modern Emperor System. Although Modern Emperor System countries appeared to have the frame of a modern state, it's still difficult to escape from the feudal nature of the pre-modern generation. This quality of the Modern Emperor System country also reflected on its rule on Taiwan. The assimilation policies of ”inland territorial expansionism” learned from France especially reflected the quality and characteristics of the Modern Emperor System country under the interpretation of the colonial rulers, who had developed in the Japanese politics.The establishment of the Meiji Constitution and the release of the Imperial Rescript on Education fully demonstrated the conflict of the coexistence of modern and pre-modern state in a Modern Emperor System country, and the same pattern was also manifested in the colonial rule in Taiwan. As the promotion of the modernization of civilization and assimilation policies carried on, the ”morality” and loyalty required within a citizen were also simultaneously indoctrinated through education.The implementation of assimilation education had exposed the colonial governance nature of the Modern Emperor System. As a result, the Taiwanese, who were not recognized as lieges by the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, did not have the lieges' rights. However, Taiwanese needed to follow ”Imperial Rescript on Education” under the state system which Taiwanese needed to have the loyalty of lieges and required obligations.
