  • 期刊

An Epidemiologic Study of Taiwanese Psoriatic Patients in a Single Clinic



我們在民國85年5月至民國86年12月間進行一觀察性、分析性、橫段面之單一醫學中 心的研究,以問卷詳細記錄連續性乾癬病患的臨床流行病學特徵,並由單一醫師檢查所有 患者,以進行描述性及統計性分析。結果共有608患者,在本院皮膚部門診之盛行率為 1.4%,男女比為2.1:1。女性患者發病年齡較早,且男女性患者發病年齡之分佈曲線不同。 20%的患者有家族史,但男女之間並無差異。慢性板塊型乾癬是最常見之臨床型式,且將 近50%患者以頭皮為最初發病部位。最常影響的部位為四肢、頭皮、及軀幹。高血壓是乾 癬患者最常相關的疾病,最常見之誘發或惡化因素則為熬夜、工作忙碌、情緒壓力、感冒 或感染、受傷、及喝酒。(中華皮誌21:216-221, 2003)




An observational, analytic, cross-sectional, unicenter study was carried out in our hospital between May 1996 and December 1997. A questionnaire detailing the clinical and epidemiologic fea- tures were given to consecutive psoriatic patients and a dermatologist in his clinic then examined all patients. Both statistical and descriptive analyses were performed. Available data were obtained from 608 patients. The prevalence rate of psoriasis was 1.4% in the dermatology clinic at our hospital. The male to female ratio of our psoriatic patients was 2.1:1. The onset of age was younger in women, and the distribution curve of age at onset was different between men and women. A positive family history was reported in 20.4% of our patients, but no sex difference was found. Chronic plaque-form psoria- sis was the most common clinical type of psoriasis, and nearly 50% of the patients developed their first lesion on the scalp. The most common sites of current cutaneous involvement were the extremi- most frequent trigger factors were staying late at night, busy work, emotional stress, infections or common colds,trauma, and alcohol intake. (Dermatol Sinica 21:216-224, 2003)


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