  • 期刊

Two Synchronous Primary Lung Cancers: A Case Report



在肺癌中,同時期原發的肺癌可被發現約0.7~15%。且高達10%在第一次原發肺癌中存活下來的病人再發展出第二個肺癌。這種同時在不同部位發現的結節或腫塊使人弄不清是轉移或是同時期的原發性肺癌。而區分出這兩種的不同是很重要的因為對於治療和預後有重大影響。 我們將報告一個66歲女人。她的胸部X光發現兩處不同病灶但是卻無淋巴結腫大或是遠端轉移的跡象。在兩次的CT guide biopsy後確認是兩個同發的原發性肺癌而成為了一個可能可以開刀的個案。我們將回顧文獻去看如何區分轉移或是同時發生的原發性肺癌。因為在多重病灶下,仍具開刀的可能性,尤其是無遠端轉移及淋巴結腫大之病人,所以我們在開始治療前必須謹慎的做好分期。


Synchronous primary lung cancer is found in 0.7-15% of patients, and up to 10% of patients who survive from the first primary lung cancer will develop a second primary tumor. The simultaneous discovery of 2 pulmonary nodules or masses in different lobes gives rise to the clinical dilemma of whether these lesions represent metastases or primary synchronous lung cancers. Differentiation of these clinical entities is important in terms of treatment and prognosis. We presented a 66-year-old woman whose chest radiography showed 2 different lung lesions without lymphadenopathy and distant metastasis. After computed tomographyguided biopsy for left upper lobe and right lower lobe lesions, double primary lung cancer with squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma was diagnosed, and turned out to be operable. We reviewed the methods of differentiating metastasis from synchronous primary lung cancer. Due to the possibility of operation for multiple primary lung cancers, the tumors should be carefully staged before the treatment.
