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The effects of Acupuncture treatment on post-stroke rehabilitation in 2014


腦血管疾病為十大死因的第三名,造成龐大醫療負擔及社會成本。而中醫在這方面擁有很好的療效,足以提供成為實證醫學。在103年高雄榮民總醫院執行「全民健康保險西醫住院病患中醫特定疾病輔助醫療計畫」,總共收案104名腦血管疾病患者。在住院期間提供中風患者,包含針灸剌激、傷科手法及中醫方藥等治療方法。療效之評估,則以NIHSS(美國國家衛生研究院中風量表)及Barthel Index(巴氏量表)為評估標準。結果:在生理評估方面,NIHSS部分,單次住院前測平均分數15.75分,治療平均分數12.97。前後平均差2.78分。二次住院第一次住院前測平均分數14.34分,治療後平均分數12.00分。前後平均差2.34分;第二次住院前測平均分數21.34分,治療後平均分數18.00分。前後平均差3.34分。在Barthel Index部分,單次住院前測平均分數26.82分,治療後平均分數38.44。前後平均差11.62。二次住院第一次住院前平均分數5.00,治療後平均分數11.67分。前後平均差6.67分;第二次住院前測平均分數6.67分,治療後平均分數13.34分。前後平均差6.67分。結論:在評估量表的佐證下,說明提供中醫藥治療,可以促進病患神經學功能進步,日常生活能力改善,提升腦血管疾病患者的生活品質。


As one of the leading causes of death, strokes contribute to a worldwide health care burden. There is still no single rehabilitation intervention demonstrated unequivocally to aid recovery. This reality drives people to search for other modalities of treatment in an attempt to further improve the outcome of stroke rehabilitation, such as Acupuncture and Chinese herb medicine. In 2014,Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital execute「Cerebrovascular disease sequelae Traditional Chinese medicine treatment inpatient care plan」,In Traditional Chinese medicine treatment modal to provide research data.Objective: Promote through some Assess the effects of Traditional Chinese medicine treatment ( including Acupuncture, Traumatology and Chinese herb medicine ) on post-stroke inpatients.Methods:We reviewed the charts of stroke patients from Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014. We used Barthel Index and the U.S. National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) for outcome measures and statistical analysis. This is a chart review, retrospective, and longitudinal study.Results: After intervention with Traditional Chinese medicine treatment ( including Acupuncture , Traumatology and Chinese herb medicine ), the activities of daily living and neurological deficits of stroke patients improved significantly. According to The paired-t test between before-treatment and post-treatment scoring of Barthel Index and NIHSS,The improvements of both scales were significantly(P=0.001 and P<0.0001, respectively). Conclusion: We suggest the post-stroke outpatients should carry out Traditional Chinese medicine treatment to enhance the activities of daily living and neurological deficits.


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