  • 期刊


The Effect of Yeast RNA on the Early Development of Chick Embryos


本研究將400個秀拔288#雞蛋,於孵化之次日,將孵化良好的383個雞胚分成七組;第一組為對照組其餘各組,於孵化後之第一、三及五天,分別注射0.9% NaCl,400 μg,200 μg和50 μg,三種不同濃度RNA以及200 μg和50 μg二種不同濃度的RNase各0.1 ml,並於孵化後12,24,48,72及96小時,分別將雞胚取出10個,溫乾後秤其重量,然後測其蛋白質的含量。經測定結果,得知經過400 μg,200 μg及50 μg酵母RNA處理之雞胚,其體重分別增加16.55%,26.61%及29.67%。雞胚內蛋白質的含量分別增加2.14%,71.62%及78.14%。而經過200 μg及50 μg RNase處理的雞胚,其體重分別減少5.65%及8.85%,而胚內所含之蛋白質,分別減少65%及67.35%。此項結果顯示,酵母RNA對早期雞胚具有增加體重及促進蛋白質的效果,而RNase對早期雞胚的體重及蛋白質的合成具有抑制作用。




The purpose of the present study was to determine the effects of Yeast RAN on the early development of chick embryos. A total of 400 fertilized eggs of shaver 288#, 383 of well developed chick embryos were chosen and divided into seven groups, one of the groups (A) was treated as a control, the another one (B) was used as experimental control was injected with 0.1 ml of 0.9% NaCl solution. The other three groups (C, D and E) were injected with 0.1 ml solution; content of 400, 200 & 50 μg of yeast RNA. The last two groups (F and G) were injected with 0.1 ml solution; content of 200 and 50 μg of RNase. All of them were injected on the next, 3rd. and 5th. day after incubation. 10 chick embryos from each group were sacrified for determining body .dry weight and total protein at the 12th, 24th, 48th, 72th & 96th hours after incubation. The experimental groups were compare with the control, Chick embryos injected with the dose of 400 μg, 200 μg and 50 μg RNA, were found the body dry weight were 16.55%, 26.61% and 29.67% higher than the control respectively, and their total body protein were 2.14%, 71.62% and 78.14% higher than the control too. Chick embryos, injected with the dose of 200 μg and 50 μg RNase, were found that body dry weight were 5.65% and 8.85% lower than the control respectively, and their total body protein were 65% and 67.35% lower than the control too. These results provide the direct evidence that the yeast RNA, one of plant RNAs, can participate in the synthesis of protein, when it is injected in chick embryos.


