  • 期刊

Olympic Movement in Taiwan: A Qualitative Derivation of Promoting and Inhibiting Factors





Taiwan's Olympic Movement has been surrounded by turbulent political transformations and conflicts. Hence it is not surprising that the founder of the Taiwanese Olympic Academy Prof. Tang, Min-Shin (the former Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee General Secretary) states ”The Olympic Movement in Taiwan remains, compared with other countries, still on the level of Kindergarten”. The following paper aims to clarify the contemporary situation of the Olympic Movement in Taiwan in order to discover influencing (promoting and inhibiting) factors. This shall be investigated by a thorough literature review and accomplished by means of discussing the impact of the following four cultural elements derived from Krawczyk's anthropological-cultural theory. First, the participation of the Taiwanese teams in the Olympic Games. Second, Taiwan's staging of the World Games and Deaflympics in 2009. Third, the anchoring of the Olympic Movement in the Taiwanese sport system. Finally, the ideals of Confucianism and its connections with Olympism. The result of the afformentioned investigation include: two promoting factors (overlapping educational ideals of Confucianism and Olympism, Taiwan's changing sport environment) and three inhibiting factors (CTOCs decreasing power, sport leaders political affiliation, and political tensions and transformations).


Taiwan Olympic Movement sport Confucianism


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