  • 期刊

Rethinking the Body with Reference to Modern Dance and Gender Studies: Introduction to the Concept of "Merleau-Pontian Universe" (MPU)





Though the Body is now a hot topic in cultural studies, philosophy of Dance is still in its infancy. However Dance, this living oxymoron, can provide to the philosopher a unique occasion to re-think the relationships between subject and object, artist and work, mind and body and overcome the traditional dualisms of Western Philosophy. Actually, because of its ambivalent understanding of the Body, classical philosophy seems unable to furnish the conceptual keys to understand the dancing phenomenon. From Plato to Husserl via Descartes, the definition of human subjectivity and personal identity has been based on intellectual and rational characteristics. Analyzing Dance gives the opportunity to elaborate a new conceptualization of the Body, in its anthropological, aesthetical and ontological dimensions. Firstly, the historical and structural links between the emergence of Modern Dance and the rise of Feminism will be analyzed. Then, the implications for the understanding of the constitution of dancing bodies will be developed. Finally the philosophical consequences of the dancing artistic practice on the redefinition of the Body will be addressed.


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