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泥鰍(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)全年性人工採卵之研究

Studies on the Induced Spawning of Mud Loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus by Hormone Injection Throughout the Year


泥鰍(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)因市場上的大量需求,故漁民多喜養殖此魚。因此為了改進人工繁殖之技術及增加魚苗之產量,本研究乃側重探討催產時之良好刺激激素,使用劑量及注射方式,以期有所助益。 在二月到八月的繁殖季節裏,泥鰍可用鯉魚腦下腺研磨液一次注射,而達到誘導產卵的目的;其所需的劑量可由(4:1),(5:1),(6:1)(鯉魚和泥鰍的重量比)三者中,因卵的成熟度和季節之不同而選擇其一。單獨注射Puberogen或Puberogen與鯉魚腦下腺研磨液混合注射,所得的卵粒受精率和孵化率較差,故效果較同一劑量的鯉魚腦下腺研磨液單獨注射者有顯著差異。對於催產效應而言,注射Gonahormone所得的效果最差。 在非繁殖季節裏,泥鰍注射鯉魚腦下腺研磨液(6:1)的劑量,得到的產卵率低,注射後至開始排卵的時間延長,效果不彰。但是,若以peamex作第一次注射後,間隔7~24小時,再注射鯉魚腦下腺研磨液,則可得到最佳的排卵效果。再者,注射Peamex所獲得的卵質和如在繁殖季節裏注射鯉魚腦下腺研磨液的一樣好。因此以適當的性腺激素處理泥鰍,可以行使全年性的人工採卵。




Mud loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus has become one of the most desirable cultured fish, due to its great demands by the market. Therefore, studies on the induced spawning with hormone injection were carried out in an attempt to improve and increase their fry production for culture. In the natural spawning season, February to August, induced ovulation of mud loach can be easily acheived by single injection with carp pituitary homogenate at a dosage of 4:1, 5:1 or 6:1 (ratio of carp to loach in body weight), depending on the egg muturity and seasons. Hormone treatment with puberogen alone or in combination with pituitary homogenate at the dosage used usually gives the less prominent result than that with pituitary homogenate alone, because of poor percentage spawned and lower fertilization rate. Injection with gonahormone is considered to be least effective in response to spawning. In non-spawning season, mud loach treated with pituitary homogenate injection (6:1) was not found to give a satisfactory result for its low percentage spawning and prolonged time to spawning. However, treatment with peamex injection first, and then followed by ptiuitary homogenate at interval of 7-24 hrs, usually supports the most positive result. In addition, egg quality obstained from peamex injection is as good as that from the ptiuitary injection during the spawning season. Therefore, spawning of mud loach can be artificially induced throughout the year with proper hormone treatments.


