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Preliminary Study on the In-Water Spectral Property and Bio-Optical Algorithm in Taiwan Waters



自1989至1998年間,筆者等於執行台灣周邊水域深海甲殼十足類之區系調查計畫時,總共採獲12,000餘尾蝦類標本,其中僅有7尾爲對蝦科的刺顎蝦屬(Funchalia Johnson,1867)蝦類,根據其额齒、大顎、肝刺及外生殖器等特徵加以鑑定,結果爲棲息於中、深層海域之十分罕見的譚氏刺顎蝦Funchalia taaningi Burkenroad,1940。本蝦種分佈於印度—太平洋區,被捕獲紀錄不多,本報告擴大其分佈範圍至台灣東部近海及中國南海北部海域,同時也締造了該蝦種已知最深的採捕紀錄。目前全世界出現於文獻報告的刺顎蝦類—共有5種,然而筆者等認爲其中的相模刺顎蝦Funchalia sagamiensisFujino,1975係F.taaningi之幼體而成爲無效種,故全世界本屬應爲4種。其次,由筆者等在海上實際作業情況推論,譚氏刺顎蝦的成蝦期應屬深海近底棲息型(deep-seabenthopelagic),有明顯的長距離晝夜垂直洄游行爲,而非屬於終生浮游性蝦類,此點迴異於其他學者的見解。此外,其大顎之切齒突(incisor process)特別延長成爲彎刀狀,左右切齒交叉並伸至另一側之頰角,而其臼齒突(molar process)則退化至僅留痕跡,顯示刺顎蝦類具有極爲特殊的口器構造,因而可推論其攝食生態亦與其他蝦種有所不同。


From 1989 to 1998,a survey of the deep-water decapod crustacean fauna of theTaiwanese waters was undertaken:among the specimens(ca.12,000)collected,onlyseven specimens of a species of the genus Funchalia Johnson,1867 was found.Four ofthese specimens were taken during the daytime in two hauls from a deep-sea bottomtrawl at depths between 1,550 and 1,245 m.The fifth one was taken at dusk by a multiplerectangular midwater trawl(RMT 1+8M)at depths between 670 and 550 m.The remaining two specimens were caught at night by a 10-feet IKMT at depths from 300 m tosurface.All these specimens are identified as Funchalia taaningi Burkenroad,1940.Thisspecies has rarely been collected in the world ocean since its original description.Thepresent report extends its known distribution range to the waters adjacent to Taiwan.Adiagnosis and additional information such as life color photographs,as well as detailed linedrawings are provided for this species.A discussion on the doubtful species F.sagamiensis Fujino,1975 is given and it is concluded that this species is the juvenile stage of F.taaningi.A key to the species of Funchalia is included.
