

中子治療在國內主要以清華大學水池式反應器(Tsung Hua Open-pool Reactor,簡稱THOR)所進行測試中的棚中子捕獲治療爲主,THOR的中子治療射束管於1998年開始進行設計與建造,其治療室於2004年建造完成,並持續進行一系列之臨床前試驗。照射口與治療室內中子與光子等不同型態輻射的劑量分佈乃是棚中子捕獲治療的重要指標與參考。本研究利用一擬人ART頭部假體,放置於清華水池式反應器的棚中子捕獲治療射束管前進行照射,並將熱發光劑量計(thermoluminescence dosimeter,簡稱TLD):TLD-600與TLD-700晶片置於假體內部進行量測,以區分出假体內中子與光子之深度劑量分佈。此外,TLD-600與TLD-700晶片亦以棋盤式佈點方式,置於射束中心水平面的空間以評估治療室內之中子與光子空間劑量分佈本研究之結果評估出清華水池式反應器進行硼中子捕獲治療時所造成假體內及治療室內之劑量分佈情形,研究方法仍不斷地檢討與改進中,相關之結果可提供給醫界及未來國內進行硼中子捕獲治療臨床試驗之參考。


In Taiwan, Neutron therapy is conducted by Tsing Hua University in the relative testing researches of boron neutron capture therapy. BNCT beam of Tsing Hua Open-pool Reactor (THOR) was designed and constructed since 1998. A treatment room for the newly modified THOR BNCT beam was constructed for the next clinical-stage trials in 2004. The dose distributions for different type of radiations such as neutron and photons in the treatment room are strongly becoming the index or reference of success for a BNCT facility. An ART head phantom was placed in front of the THOR BNCT beam port and was irradiated. Dual detector: TLD-600 and TLD-700 chips were placed inside these holes within the phantom to distinct doses of neutron and photon. Besides, Dual-TLD chips were latticed placed in the horizontal plane of beam central axis, in the treatment room to estimate the spatial dose distribution of neutron and photon. Neutron and photon dose distributions in phantom and spatial dose distributions in the THOR BNCT treatment room were both estimated in this work Testing and improvement in THOR BNCT beam were continuative during these years. Results of this work could be the reference and be helpful for the further clinical trials in nearly future.


BNCT Dual Detector Spatial Dose THOR
