  • 期刊

Retromammary Approach for Video-assisted Endoscopic Resection of Benign Breast Tumors: Report of Two Cases



內視鏡外科手術自1990年代首次應用在膽囊切除術後,即迅速發展。目前內視鏡手術在許多外科手術領域早已經是標準術式(standard procedure)。內視鏡手術有傷口小,侵襲少,疼痛輕,恢復快之優點。最早乳房內視鏡是運用於乳房整形手術方面。大約從十幾年前,內視鏡手術亦開始被應用在乳房疾病之治療,例如良性乳房腫瘤以及早期乳癌。不同於傳統乳房手術,內視鏡乳房手術可以不在乳房上留下疤痕,而是在較隱密處,例如腋下做小切口,利用目前先進之內視鏡設備來進行乳房病灶之切除。由目前國外之文獻顯示,患者在術後之乳房美觀及患者滿意優於傳統乳房手術。目前國內並無運用內視鏡乳房手術治療乳房腫瘤之發表文獻,我們提出利用“乳房後途徑”進行內視鏡乳房手術,成功治療良性乳房腫瘤之兩例經驗,患者在術後之乳房完全無疤痕,在美觀方面得到極大患者滿意度,且無併發症。 我們建議在年輕女性之較大之良性乳房腫瘤(大於三公分)或多處之良性乳房病灶可利用內視鏡乳房手術以達到較佳之乳房美觀。




Traditional breast surgery always leaves a scar not only on the breast but also on the mind of the patient. Endoscopic breast surgery, which was initially in cosmetic surgery, has made great progress in the past 10 years, and now is applied to resection of breast lesions, benign or malignant, in Western countries as well as in Asian countries, e.g., Japan, China mainland, Korea, and Hong Kong. In these previous reports, excellent cosmetic outcomes were achieved. Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge, there are no such articles published in Taiwan. We hereby describe successful extirpation of multiple or large benign breast tumors in two young female patients, using endoscopic devices through a retromammary space approach. The patients were greatly satisfied with this method because of the final esult of scar-free breasts. Video-assisted endoscopic breast surgery has made a reat contribution to breast operations, and produces cosmetic effects that cannot be chieved by traditional surgery. Patients with multiple or large benign tumors, specially young females, are good candidates for this surgery.
