  • 期刊


Evaluating the Influence of Vendor Selection Criteria on Inventory Policy of Supply Chain based on System Dynamics


傳統供應鏈存貨系統之研究較少考量供應商遴選準則及競爭性供應鏈之影響性,本文融合代理人技術及系統動態建構出二階供應鏈模型,分別探討在不同供應商遴選準則組合下、不同存貨政策對訂單獲取能力之影響;在競爭性供應鏈狀態下、上下游成員間安全存貨配置比例對服務水準與接單率之影響。研究結果顯示,供應商遴選準則與競爭性供應鏈的確會對供應鏈存貨政策有所影響。就供應商遴選準則組合來看,在配銷中心採用(s, Q)存貨政策較具訂單獲取方面之優勢;就安全存量配置比例來看,在靠近最終顧客之銷售點(即零售商)配置較大比例之安全存量,可為供應鏈系統帶來較佳與穩定的服務水準,而且在零售商增加安全存量配置比例亦有助於因應需求之變異;在競爭性供應鏈環境下,當顧客採購以價格為相對重要時,配置較高安全存量比例於零售商之競爭者能獲取較多訂單。


This article analyzes the influences of vendor selection criteria, price and time, on inventory policy of supply chain system. Purchasing in a typical supply chain system, some customers prefer lower price and others prefer getting goods immediately. Usually, more inventory-holding provide short time for goods-getting but it can not provide lower price due to its inventory holding cost. The manager should arrange inventory-setting carefully according to vendor selection criteria. In this paper, capabilities of order-acquiring as well as influence on various inventory policy-settings are evaluated by agent-based system dynamic models. Simulation results provide evidence for supply chain systems to set appropriate inventory-policy to match its particular combination of vender selection criteria.


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