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Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma of Cervical LN: Case Report


濾泡樹突狀細胞肉瘤(Follicular dentritic cell sarcoma)為一罕見之惡性腫瘤,自Monda氏於1986年提出首例後,至目前為止文獻上約有70餘例病例報告。好發部位以頸部淋巴結為主,但淋巴結外組織亦可發生。本病例為17歲男性病患、主訴發現右側頸部無痛性腫塊約2個月,並曾有輕微感冒症狀。理學檢查為可動性無痛性右頸部腫塊,約4 cm大小。頸部電腦斷層掃瞄下所見,除右頸腫塊,並無其他部位病灶。病患接受腫瘤切除式手術後,根據其臨床表現、組織學形態、免疫組織化學染色結果,診斷為濾泡樹突狀細胞肉瘤。濾泡樹突狀細胞肉瘤為一中度惡性腫瘤,治療以廣泛性手術切除為主,術後輔助性放射線及化學治療有助於腫瘤的控制。




Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma (FDCS), first described in 1986 by Monda, is a rare type of malignancy and thus far, more then 70 cases have been documented in the literature. FDCS is frequently occurred at cervical lymph node, but other extra-nodal locations can also be seen. Here, we report a case of cervical FDCS. This patient, a 17-years old adolescent, was originally presented with a painless nodule at the right neck for 2 months. He underwent surgical excision and based on microscopic findings and immunohistochemistry results, he was diagnosed to be a case of FDCS with two poor prognostic factors. The patient was subsequently received adjuvant radiotherapy. During the follow-up period of 20 months, there have been no signs of recurrence. Together, we suggest that the proper treatment for a moderately aggressive FDCS should include wide excision and post-operative adjuvant chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
