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Packing and Covering Complete Bipartite Multidigraphs with 4-Circuits



設C(下標 k)表長度爲k之有向迴圈。重邊有向圖G中,若一個邊互斥的有向子圖集P={G1, G2,…,G(下標 s)},其中每個G(下標 i)皆同構於C(下標 k),則稱P爲G的一個C(下標 k)-充填,若該充填具有最多元素(C(下標 k)),則稱其爲最大C(下標 k)-充填;若一個有向子圖集,R={G1, G2,…, G(下標 t)},其中每個G(下標 i)皆同構於C(下標 k),且G的每個邊(重複邊視爲相異邊)至少在R中出現一次,則稱R爲G的一個C(下標 k)-覆蓋,若該覆蓋具有最少元素(C(下標 k)),則稱其爲最小C(下標 k)-覆蓋。本文得到完全二部重邊有向圖之最大C4-充填與最小C4-覆蓋。


Let C(subscript k) denote a circuit of length k. In a multidigraph G, a C(subscript k)-packing is a set P={G1, G2,…, G(subscript s)} of arc-disjoint subdigraphs of G such that each G(subscript i) is isomorphic to C(subscript k), and a C(subscript k)-packing is maximum if it has the maximum number of members among all packings; a C(subscript k)-covering is a set R={G1, G2,…, G(subscript t)} of subdigraphs of G such that each G(subscript i) is isomorphic to C(subscript k) and every arc of G appears in at least one member of R, and a C(subscript k) covering is minimum if it has the minimum number of members among all coverings. In this paper the problem for finding a maximum C4-packing and a minimum C4-covering of the complete bipartite multidigraph is solved.


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