  • 期刊


Explore Brazilian Education Role in Knowledge-Based Economy Age


2003年美國高盛投顧公司將巴西列為金磚四國(BRICs)中。巴西雖擁有極佳的天然資源以及眾多的人口,但在知識經濟的時代中,其教育出來的人力資源是否具備擁有、產出、散佈及使用知識的關鍵能力,此為本研究欲探討之主要方向。 本文首先探討教育在知識經濟中之功能,其次了解巴西教育的發展脈絡,接著就目前教育質量以及教育內涵兩部分,了解其教育在知識經濟社會中扮演的角色。研究發現有二:首先,巴西近年教育之質量有顯著提升,但同時也造成了嚴重不均的問題。其次,由於巴西政府近年投注大量資源於師資培育及各教育階段中,並重視資訊科技在教育中的運用。其教育內涵足以培養出具有一定水準的人力素質,但同時呈現不均的情形。故巴西若能改善其教育均等之問題,全面提升整體人口素質,將能在掌握豐富天然及人力資源的情形之下,實現金磚四國的美夢。


Brazil was listed as BRICs by Goldman Sachs in 2003. It was known that nature resource and numerous people resource flourishing in Brazil. However, do the human capital in Brazil are capable to process, produce, spread and use knowledge in the Knowledge-Based Economy Society? The question above is the main purpose of this study. This study first explores functions of education in Knowledge-Based Economy Society and understands context of educational development in Brazil. Second, the author tries to explore the Brazilian education role in Knowledge-Based Economy Society base on present education. Two findings as below: First, Educational quality and quantity were improved in resent years. Second, the human capital in Brazil was also improved because of the government invested resource in teacher training, all education levels and ICT. However the inequality problem was getting more serious as its development.


李迴(2013)。CrFexMnTiyVzZru (0 ≤ x, y, z, u ≤ 2) 高熵合金之儲氫研究〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-2511201311344930
