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The Questioning Analysis of Ecological Footprint and Water Footprint: A Case of the Hot Spring Hotels in the Area of New Peitou




生態足跡 水足跡 溫泉旅館


Based on the method of the ecological footprint and the concept of water footprint, the study aims at not only providing the tools to assess environmental impact of New Peitou hot-spring industry but also knowing more about whether the hotels in this area make the most of hot-spring resources. By means of the method and the concept mentioned above, the following census is completed with the cooperation of four hot-spring hotels in the New Peitou area. The results showed that: The ecological footprint of Hotel A is 0.02335909 (ha/person), and the water footprint is 6.82 (m^3/person); The ecological footprint of Hotel B is 0.01833226 (ha/person), and the water footprint is 10.40 (m^3/person); The ecological footprint of Hotel C is 0.00066813 (ha/person), and the water footprint is 0.54 (m^3/person); The ecological footprint of Hotel D is 0.00481153 (ha/person), and the water footprint is 2.09 (m^3/person). The conclusion is made as follows: Hotel C achieves more efficiency in harnessing the energy, the water resources and the untilization of the unit area and therefore it shows the smallest number of the ecological footprint and water footprint. Based on estimates of this study, it is found that the total consumption of the hot-spring water can be reduced if the hotels temporarily close the public pool facilities in off-season. As a consequence, the water footprints of overall hot-spring hotels are lowered. In the hope of decreasing the ecological footprint and water footprint generated by each Hot Spring visitor. The results of this study will be able to provide hot-spring hotel industry with suggestions in business management and consequently improve energy efficiency.


邱從甲(2015)。第二代生質酒精水足跡之研究 -以稻稈與蔗渣為例〔博士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2015.00172
