  • 期刊





高麗 水月觀音 念佛 觀想 月輪 圖像 禮懺儀軌 密教


An important iconographic feature of the Goryeo Water-Moon Avalokitesvara images is the expression of Avalokitesvara sitting upright in the ”Great Gloria.” Through the display of this iconography, the doctrine of ”great perfect mirror wisdom” in the Avatamasaka sutra is symbolized, and the perspective of ”ensconced in the moon mirror” with respect to the inspiration of Avatamasakaism from the book of Tantrism is conveyed. The central-oriented position and ”Great Gloria” depiction of Avalokitesvara in the paintings of Goryeo are likely closely related to not only the emphasis placed on the ”contemplation of Buddha's real appearance and marvelous body” following the need to ”be anxious about and to cultivate the practice of tranquility” found in the Tiantai sect's contemplations and confessions of the time, but also the image of ”sitting tranquilly in the gloria” as described in the Avalokitesvara Esotericism Rituals. The only existing Goryeo Avalokitesvara Confession Text, ”Solution of White Dress (白衣解),” is a ceremony of repentance centering on the ”Mantra in the Lotus Realm (觀自在菩薩心真言),” which eliminates the hindrance of karma by recitation. The ”Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Mantra,” used in ”Solution of White Dress,” is derived from the ”Holy Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Mantra Yoga Contemplation Ritual;” this mantra was recited before the contemplation of Avalokitesvara. The image expression of Goryeo Water-Moon Avalokitesvara also coincides with statements found in a variety of the Avalokitesvara Vidhi scriptures translated by Amogha-vajra.
