  • 期刊


The Signification of Sustainable Development in International Law


「永續發展」一詞無論在其概念的推展,或是在個別領域的應用上,均顯現出其價值。然而其確實內涵,以及透過各國的實踐之後,究竟在國際法的層面上展現出何種面貌?本文即在透過對於永續發展概念的討論以及預防原則(precautionary principle)或預防措施(precautionary approach)在永續發展理念中意義的討論,進而瞭解永續發展在當前國際法中的意涵。自一九七○年代開始對於「永續發展」的概念和落實進行討論,此種發展過程至今已達三十餘年,「永續發展」的內涵也已經深入各個學術及應用領域中,然而此一概念是否已經形成國家的必須實踐?易言之,此一概念是否成為習慣國際法的一環,因而成為必須履行的行為規範?本文作者抱持樂觀且正面的看法,因為透過了國際社會長期以來的實踐,無論在國內法領域,亦或是透過了國家間的條約協定,均可見到「永續發展」或是其原則之一「預防原則」的實際規範或是隱含的精神。同時,這也驗證了「永續發展」仍將在環境保護政策領域和法律領域中持續保持影響的地位。


”Sustainable Development” has become one of the most important principles in international environmental law either in its conceptual evolution or in its application on various fields. The author explores the concept of ”sustainable development” and discusses on the meaning of ”Precautionary Principle/Precautionary Approach”, so that the implication could be understood.From the discussion in the paper, it is conceivable that ”sustainable development” has been deep-rooted in the application of various fields. The long-term practices, either through domestic law or international conventions, on the Principle by members of international society have approved its standing in international law. The author concludes that ”Sustainable Development” is one of the principles in customary international law through its numerous practices and applications. The author also infers that the principle of sustainable development will continue its leading status in the policy and legal making of environmental protection practices.


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