  • 會議論文


Analysis of Key Factors in the Usage Requirements of Interactive Internet TV--Using C Telecom MOD as an Example


近年來由於數位匯流時代來臨,電信業者紛紛推出網路協定電視(Internet Protocol Television; IPTV)的服務,期盼在數據服務上增加營收與市佔率,因此如何搶到商機與顧客,已然成為了電信業者的首要挑戰。C電信公司在2004年推出多媒體內容傳輸平台(Multimedia On Demand; MOD)的服務至今已十餘年,用戶雖然已成長至近180萬戶,但與早已被大眾習慣的有線電視用戶數相比,仍然相差甚遠。因此如何有效的讓消費者從習慣的有線電視移轉至C電信公司MOD,是目前C電信公司推廣MOD所重視的關鍵工作。因此,本研究透過模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method)實施問卷,篩選影響使用者收視品質的關鍵要素,接著應用精緻化二維品質模式分類方式選出受訪者對MOD收視品質需求或喜好感受,歸類8類型品質要素重要排序,並提出發展策略與管理意涵,提供C電信公司發展MOD策略之參考。


In recent years, due to the advent of the digital convergence era, telecom industries have launched Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) services expecting to increase revenue and market share in data services. Therefore, how to seize business opportunities and customers has become the primary challenge for the telecom industries. C Telecom has promoted the Multimedia on Demand (MOD) service in 2004 for more than ten years. Although the number of users has grown to nearly 1.8 million in Taiwan, it is still far from the number of cable TV users who have been used by the public. Therefore, how to effectively transfer consumers from the customary cable TV to C Telecom's MOD is the key work that C Telecom has important goal and extended MOD to the market. The proposed method uses the Fuzzy Delphi Method to implement a questionnaire and select the key criteria that affect the quality of users' viewing. Moreover, we apply the refined two-dimensional quality mode and classification method to select the respondent's demand for MOD viewing quality or preferences. Furthermore, our method classifies eight types of quality factors, arranges their weights, proposes development strategies and management implications, and provides a reference for C Telecom's development strategies of MOD.
