  • 期刊


From "Traditional Futures" to Ethics: Technological Reflections, Postcolonial Condition, and Indigenous Subjectivity




This paper is the tentative result of a two-year research project entitled "Ethical Practice and Indigenous Traditional Knowledge." The result focuses on the typology and topography of ethical practice and participatory actions in the wake of "traditional future" (following James Clifford's concept). There are four major types of ethical relations in the interaction between researchers/policies and local indigenous knowledge. First is the "Reconstruction and Renaissance of Traditional Knowledge or Handcrafts." This type focuses on the translation from traditional knowledge to contemporary curator and exhibition intention. The ethical concern lies on the "stitchery" between illegal obtain of traditional objects and the public recognition of museum's mission. The second type of ethical relation is "Participatory Mode of Information Collection." The common practice of GIS and tribal map of traditional territory is following in this category, and the focus is about the systematic substitution of local knowledge by academic/scientific viewpoint. Third, the type is "Collective Resource Management in reaction to Disaster or Policies." This is a recurrent issue since natural disasters and human-induced disasters made indigenous communities even more vulnerable. The major concern of this type is to consider making new management regulations and translates native ethics into practical leadership in reaction to the contemporary scenario of "the tragedy of commons." Last but not least is the synergic and combined consideration of "Ontological Issues of Indigenous Rights and Epistemology of Researches." This is particularly focused on the critics on land ethics and cultural rights due to creative business. The ontological concern also reflects on the works of leading traditional discourses of rights into judiciary discussion as well as the critics on the violence of the state. All the four types are critical and mandatory to the research practice in relation to indigenous survival and cultural conditions. This research proposes to call for an ethical "return" (rather than theoretical "turns") in order to find ontological and pragmatic ways for the "Traditional Futures."


