  • 期刊


Development of a Three-Axis Flexible Tactile Sensor with 3D Distributed Carbon Nanotubes


本研究提出一簡單的概念來完成奈米碳管三軸撓性觸覺感測器,以量測正向(Normal)與側向(Sheear)的觸覺分布。本研究主要有三種特色:(1)利用矽基材當模具,以高分子翻模(Molding)的技術將奈米碳管的圖形轉印鑲埋至高分子內,(2)利用三維的奈米碳管當作壓阻(Piezoresistor)可同時量測正向力與側向力,(3)利用高分子翻模的技術可同時製作三維的高分子觸覺凸塊(Tactile Bump)。本研究將奈米碳管圖形定義在經過體蝕刻(Bulk Etching)後的三維矽基材表面上,並經由高分子翻模技術,將三維的奈米碳管圖形從矽基材轉印至具撓性的聚二甲基矽氧烷(Polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS)高分子材料上,並且透過高分子材料填入矽基材的蝕刻孔洞(Cavity),同時翻模出觸覺感測器所需承受力量的凸塊結構。經由進一步地設計奈米碳管的圖形,本研究所開發的觸覺感測器其正向力靈敏度(線性度)可達到22.76%/N (R^2=0.97),而側向力則為95.24%/N (R^2=0.95)。


This study reports a simple approach to implement a flexible CNTs tactile sensor to enable the detecting of normal and shear forces. The merits of the presented tactile sensors are as follows, (1) embedded patterned CNTs into polymer using simple Si-substrate molding process, (2) 3D distributed CNTs enable the detection of shear and normal forces, and (3) 3D polymer structure by molding as a tactile-bump. In applications, the CNTs are grown and patterned on bulkmicromachined Si substrate with 3D surface profile. After polymer molding, the 3D distributed CNTs are successfully transferred onto a flexible PDMS with 3D tactile-bump. With proper CNTs pattern designs, the tactile sensor has a sensitivity (linearity) of up to 22.76%/N(R^2=0.93)for normal load, and up to 95.24%/N(R^2=0.95)for shear load.
