  • 期刊


Overview of 10G EPON Technology


當台灣的寬頻用戶仍是以ADSL為大宗之際,光纖到家(Fiber-to-the-Home; FTTH)的計畫卻方興未艾。繼EPON標準IEEE 802.3ah於2004年完成,事隔不到兩年,IEEE為了在IP網路提供Triple-play服務(高速網路、影音服務和語音服務),制訂標準的腳步繼續往10Gbps的高頻寬攀爬,讓更多服務能夠透過IP網路到家,也因此造就10G EPON標準的萌芽。然而,當資料頻寬從EPON的1Gbps提升到10G EPON的10Gbps,因為時脈(Clock)的提升、資料匯流排寬度變寬以及10G Ethernet新的PCS編碼技術等等的改變,原先制訂的EPON技術還能夠繼續沿用嗎?10G EPON是否能夠向下相容?這些問題的答案,正是本文的探討重點。 事實上,10G EPON的標準正在發展的初期,各項細節規格完全尚未定案,仍在討論的階段。依據過去累積EPON相關的經驗,將於本論文中從各方面探討10G EPON可能遭遇的議題,以提供各種可能的研究方向。


While the broadband users in Taiwan are still subscribing to ADSL services, the project of fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) keeps evolving to a high speed over 1Gpbs. After the IEEE 802.3ah standard was completed in 2004, there is an increasing demand for delivering triple-play services, including data, voice and video, over the IP network. So, the standard is drawn up for 10Gbps transmission to transmit heterogeneous services to the home. The new technology is called the 10G EPON. While the throughput is raised to 10Gbps from 1Gbps, will the legacy techniques in GEPON be suitable to the new standard with the changes of clock, data bus and new PCS? Will 10G EPON be compatible to GEPON? These questions will be addressed in this paper. In fact, the development of 10G EPON standard is at an early stage so far; all details are not finalized, and everything about this new standard is under discussion. Depending on the experiences we established from EPON project, we try to figure out the possible situations from various aspects, that we will encounter during the evolution of 10G EPON standard.


10G EPON MPCP Security FEC
