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Video Software Codec Optimization for Triple Play IPTV Terminal Middleware


IPTV的一個重要核心技術即是視訊的編解碼。本文以H.264演算法為藍本,歸納出一系列最佳化法則,使視訊編碼演算法能以純軟體方式,在Intel CE3100處理器中實現。這些法則涵蓋了適用於一般平台與特定處理器架構的最佳化技術。在權衡軟體效能、影像品質及頻寬需求等策略考量下,最佳化結果雖在影像品質上略有下降,但是在軟體效能上則獲得大幅提升。本文所歸納之最佳化法則,亦可適用於任何類似的視訊編碼程式。


The video codec is an important key technology for Internet Protocol TV (IPTV). By using the H.264 algorithm as a model, this article summarizes a series of optimization rules, which can be adopted to optimize the software video encoder for executing on Intel CE3100 processor platform. These optimization rules are suitable either for general CPU platforms or for specific processor architectures. Having considered the trade-off among performance, image quality and bandwidth requirements, the optimized result shows that with little degrading in video quality, we gain a great improvement in the software codec performance. All the optimization rules summarized in this article are also applicable to other similar video codec.
