  • 期刊


An Adaptive Hybrid Peer-to-peer System for On-demand Media Streaming




Peer-to-peer on-demand media streaming with VCR Interactions has received more and more attention recently. Many studies proposed tree-based overlays for efficient delivery. Because the tree topology is vulnerable to node dynamics, it is not suitable for peers which continuously play a video for a relatively short time. In contrast, mesh-based overlay, though robust, suffers from high control overhead or unacceptable latency. Thus, mesh-based solutions can not satisfy the peers continuously playing a video for a relatively long time. Since a practical system will be neither pure stable nor pure dynamic, a single tree overlay or mesh overlay can not meet the real requirements. Some researchers simply combine the above two solutions, in which peers join both the two overlays. However, those architectures still have the respective problems inherent in the tree and mesh overlays. In this paper, we propose an adaptive hybrid peer-to-peer system that leverage both tree and mesh structures. In the proposed system, most peers join only one suitable overlay based on their viewing behavior. A portion of idle leaf nodes of the tree overlay are further selected to download the rarest video chunks to serve the peers in the mesh one. We also present a policy to adapt the number of selected leaf nodes to meet the resource demand of both the two overlays.
