  • 期刊


The Ven. Hiu Wan Extensively Applied the Lotus Sutra at Her Religious Instructions


曉雲法師師承天台宗的倓虛法師,而天台思想以法華爲宗骨,法師不但自己深入研究《法華經》,並且也以《法華經》的思想來開示後學。她致力於推廣「覺之教育」的理念,而在她有關教育思想思想的著作中,常會引用到《法華經》的經文,並給予現代的詮釋,她並以花果同時的妙喻鼓勵年青人要開拓「慧命」,提昇生命的意義。 本論文將探討曉雲法師在宗教行化時,對於《法華經》的善巧運用。文中說明了法師個人,在覺性慧命開發時,《法華經》對其自覺佛教使命的關鍵意義,以及法師在發願覺他時,如何運用《法華經》以方便教化。 本論文分成二大部份,啟迪自覺與方便覺他,自覺方面,將提到曉雲法師的師承因緣,瞭解她研讀《法華經》的歷程,及所悟之法華要旨。其次,在覺他方面,將說明她出家之後,在宣講經典中對《法華經》的教導。然後,論及曉雲法師在教育志業中,如何以《法華經》教育學子。接下來,以曉雲法師的藝術成就現代經變圖和禪畫,來探究她對《法華經》的現代詮釋。而後則欣賞她在詩歌創作上,對法華思想的讚誦。最後,是以結語總述全文。


In the T'ien T'ai School, the Lotus Sutra is its essential tenet. The Ven. Hiu Wan was the student of the Ven. Tan Shi in the T'ien T'ai School. She not only studied up on the Lotus Sutra but also elucidated the Lotus Sutra's teaching to her students. She spreaded her ideal education-Enlightment Education-to the world, and often referred the Lotus Sutra verses in her educational works to fit in with the modern living. For example, she used the implication of the lotus simultaneous blooming and bearing fruit to encourage adolescence developing a life of wisdom and enhancing abundant meaning of life. This thesis is going to discuss the Ven. Hiu Wan's wise guidance and applications of the Lotus Sutra when she preached. It also illustrates how she developed her enlightment and wisdom through the Lotus Sutra, and how she acknowledged the self-enlightened profound meaning in buddhist mission. In order to enlighten others, she aroused a vow to enlighten others by utlizing the Lotus Sutra. This thesis is divided into two parts, the Ven. Hiu Wan's self-enligtment and her wise enlightening others. In her self-enlightment, it describes the affinities between her and her master, the process of her examination for the Lotus Sutra, and how she was awaked by the profound meaning of the Lotus Sutra. Secondly, to enlighten others, it explains since she became a nun how she had applied the Lotus Sutra to teach students in her educational career. In addition, her art achievements-Paintings Illustrating Sutras and Ch'an Paintings-also revealed her modern transmissions from the Lotus Sutra. It also appreciates the Ven. Hiu Wan's poems and her poetic praising to the Lotus Sutra In the end of this thesis, it summarizes and sums up the content.


