  • 期刊


Attractiveness of Product Relative Scarcity -Self-Identity-Relevant Products andConsumers' Need for Uniqueness as Moderators




When we go shopping in a marketplace, the shelves of products may not often fully supplemented. There are always some empties in some product exhibition. If a product is relatively scarce because of its ”hot sell”, it may relatively attract customers than those which are fully supplied. However, it is not always true that more scare a product is, the more attractive it may be to customers. This study hypothesized that the relative scarcity of products attracting to consumers will be affected by self-identity-relevant products and consumers' unique need. That is for less self-identity-relevant products, when relative scarcity is high, it may increase their attractiveness. However, for more self-identity-relevant products, there is no significant difference in the attractiveness regardless the degree of their relative scarcity. Because for more self-identity-relevant products, the product relative scarcity is high will increase their attractiveness to customers who have lowly unique need, but will decrease their attractiveness to customers who have highly unique need. In order to verify the hypotheses of this study, this study constructs a relevant scale questionnaire by using scenario design to design four shopping contexts. In total, 270 questionnaires were distributed to participants. The results support the hypothesis. It concludes that for more self-identity-relevant products, it is important to meet the unique needs of different consumers with different ways of marketing is important. Based on the study results, we discuss the managerial implication and suggestions for further research.


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