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Generation of QFT Plant Templates for Plants with an Uncertain Time-Delay and Polynomially Dependent Uncertain Parameters in an Ellipsoid


本論文提出一QFT程序模板(plant template)之產生法,以產生具有未確定時延,未確定參數位於橢球內且爲多項式相依,此種程序之程序模版。本論文所提出之程序模板產生法,係植基於發展出一branch-and-bound演算法來測試複數平面上之一點是否屬於程序模板,然後結合此branch-and-bound演算法與轉軸程序(pivoting procedure)將程序模板之邊界找出。利用本論文所提出之方法,具有未確定時延,未確定參數位於橢球內且爲多項式相依之程序,其程序模板可被準確地產生。本論文所提出之方法,會以一數值範例來加以說明。


This paper presents a method for generating plant templates for plants with an uncertain time-delay and polynomially dependent uncertain parameters in an ellipsoid. The plant template generation method presented in this paper is based on developing a branch-and-bound algorithm to test whether or not a point in the complex plane belongs to the plant template. Then, the branch-and-bound algorithm is used along with a pivoting procedure to trace out the boundary of the plant template. Using the method presented in this paper, the plant templates of a plant with an uncertain time-delay and polynomially dependent uncertain parameters in an ellipsoid can be accurately generated. A numerical example is given to illustrate the presented method.
