  • 期刊


Observations on Empoasca, subrnfa Motsch. (Homoptera: Cicadellidae)


本項觀察工作係於1947年10月迄1948年6月在臺中後壠仔舉行。以誘蛾證誘集及田間網捕調查記錄等爲根據,所得結果之要點如下: 1.白翅浮塵子左本省之食料,已知者共達27種,人部分屬禾本科,主要者爲水稻,大麥,小麥,燕麥;次要者爲甘蔗,菱白,米草。早稻收割後,白翅浮塵子卽大量棲集稻田溝旁之米草。 2.冬季麥田之稻蝨類密度隨麥株生長而增高。且白翅浮塵子之個數恒約佔稻蝨類總個數之90%。 3.以狗牙草爲主之冬季草地,其稻蝨類總個數中白翅浮塵子佔74.47%,其絕對密度亦較麥田者爲少。 4.早春秧田之白翅浮塵子所佔稻蝨類總個數之百分比,在本地稻自78.38-89.73%不等,蓬萊稻92.54-99.46%。 5.冬季同一時日之大麥上白翅浮塵子密度,高於小麥。 6.冬季雜草土之白翅浮塵子密度,平均每次網捕1.54頭,顯較之同期小麥上者(9.53頭)爲少。 7.白翅浮塵子在春季秧田之平均每平方公寸密度,於同一環境下,在本地稻秧床爲1.75頭,蓬萊稻9.32頭;本地稻土之每次網補數爲2.91頭,蓬萊稻15.54頭。 8.白翅浮塵子在冬季大麥田中之雌蟲佔61.28,小麥69.42%,雜草39.94%,春季秧田8.49%。而誘蛾燈下之總平均爲51.38%。 9.誘蛾燈下之白翅浮塵子雌蟲所佔比率,10月中旬至11日中旬,4月上旬至6月上句均在5%以下,而11日下旬至3月下旬均在50%以上。 10.據檢視1.17,662個體之結果,白翅浮塵子之寄生性天敵,有鐮蜂2種及撚翅蟲1種,以大鐮蜂較爲普通,但其總寄生率僅0.44%。 11.雨量多之月份,足以抑低白翅浮塵子在誘蛾燈下之密度及雌蟲所佔比率。 12.雨量過多對白翅浮塵子之繁殖不利,因之此蟲在臺中一帶之環境下,僅能於5月以前及10月以後發生較多之個體。 13.常日氣溫對於當夜白翅浮塵子在誘蛾燈下密度之影響,視月份而異,在氣溫較低之月份,如12,1,2諸月,當夜之氣溫在該月平均數字以上,始可誘得,但蟲數甚少。11,2,3,4,5,6諸月,卽在平均氣溫之下,已可誘得;但11,3,5諸月所。誘得之蟲數則甚微。




The following conc1usjons are drawn from a series of field surveys by sweeping and Jantern-trapping of the leaf-hopper, Empoasca subrufa Motsch. made at Taichung City, Taiwan, from October 1947 to June 1948, inclusive. 1. About 30 species of plants (mostly Gramineae) at Taiwan are known to be attacked by attacked. The plants most preferred are rice, barley, wheat, oat, sugar-cane, Zizania and Leersia hexardra Swartz. After the harvest of the first rice crop, the leaf-hoppers migrate and attack Leersia growing in ditches around rice fields. 2. The population density of the leaf-hoppers in barley or wheat fields at winter increases in terms of the growth of the host-playts. The most dominant species was E. subrufa which constituents about 99% of tie total popuation. The count for each stroke of a sweeping-net (185 cm. in circumference) was 9.53 individua1s. 3. In Winter grassland, of which Cynodan dactylon (Linne) Pers. is the dominant species, about 72.4% of the leaf-hoppers was E. sulrufa, and the count for each sweeping-net stroke was 1.54 individual. 4. In rice seedling-bees at early spring, the percentage of E. sutrufa for the total leaf-hopper population was 78-90 for .native and 93-99 for ”Hoorai” rice. The count for each sweeping-net stroke was 2.91 and 15.f4 individuals respectively, for native arid ”Hoorai”. rice. Or, in each square decimeter of seedling-bed and in each stroke, 1.75 or 9.32 individuals of E. subrufa might be swept-in. 5. The sex ratio of this insect varied with seasons and host-piants. For instance, in winter grassland, 40%; early spring rice seedling 88%; under lantern-trap (Oct. to June), 51%. The percentage of the trapped male ascended when there was more rainfall. In other words, excess lain might cause the decline of the population density of this insect. 6. An examination of 147,662 individuals of this insect revealed that the total parasitsm was only 0.44%, and the parasites involved were 2 species of Dryinids and 1 stylops.


