  • 期刊

檬果螟蛾(Chlumetia transversa Walket)爲害情形之觀察及其藥劑防除試驗

An Observation on the Conditions of Damage Caused by Mango Twig-Borer (Chlumetia transversa Walker) and an Experiment of Its Chemical Control


(一)檬果螟蛾(Chlumetia transversa Walker)幼蟲蛀食花穗及嫩梢爲害,蛀成隧道,使之不能結果或萎凋枯死。其爲害率在12.93~23.52%,檬果每年損失額高達2,925, 522.3元~5,321, 599.77元。 本研究乃求明瞭檬果螟蛾週年之爲害情形及試驗有效藥劑的防除方法,以便有利於檬果增產。 (二)檬果螟蛾週年爲害調查,係自54年7月至55年6月止,在鳳山熱帶園藥試驗分所檬果園進行。 檬果螟蛾週年均有爲害,惟以6~8月間爲害較輕,9月以後則爲害加劇,11月間形成一次高峯,至翌年3月間再呈現一次最高峯。 凱特、愛文、海頓、肯特及吉祿五品種被檬果螟蛾爲害的程度,無顯著差異。 (三)檬果螟蛾藥劑防除試驗包括有新梢期及開花期二試驗,分別於鳳山熱帶園藝試驗分所檬果園及高雄縣烏松鄉仁美村林春風先生之檬果園進行。 供試藥劑有Lebaycid e.c. 0.05%,Sumithion e.c. 0.05%,Sevin w.p. 0.1%及0.05%,EPN e.c. 0.05%,Diazinon e.c. 0.05%,Dimecron s. 0.05%以及Elsan e.c. 0.05%等八種。 試驗結果以開花期施藥區之防除效果較新梢期施藥區爲優。八種供試藥劑中,以Sumithion e.c. 0.05%,Lebaycid e.c. 0.05%及Sevin w.p. 0.1%較優(依次列爲第一至第三位)。 (四)國檬果螟蛾之爲害情形,在當年11月間有一發生盛期,翌年3月間有一發生最盛期,前者適逢檬果新梢發育期,後者正值檬果抽穗開花期,在被害程度方面,後者重於前者。 施藥時期在“檬果萌芽”時似應於10月上旬開始,在“檬果抽穗期”時則應於1月上旬開始,惟施藥適期應視檬果新梢之生長情形以及抽穗開花狀況而定。爲確保防除效果計,噴藥次數以4次以上爲宜。




1. The larvae of mango twig-borer (Chlumetia transversa Walker) bore into the twigs both of young shoots and inflorescences of mango trees and cause them wilting or unfruitfulness. The damage percentage of this pest reaches 19.93-23.52% per year and equals to a loss of NT$ 2,925,522.3-5, 321,599.7 in this island. 2. An observation on the conditions of damage caused by the mango twig-borer was carried out in July, 1965 to June, 1966 at the mango orchard of Fengshan Tropical Horticultural Experiment Station. According to the results of this observation, there are two outbreaks of this insect pest in a year round. One is in March when the mango tree shoots its inflorescences, and the other is in November when the mango tree shoots its new branches. And the damage caused by the pests of first outbreak is more serious than that of the second one. There is no significant difference of injury among the five varieties, as Keitt, Irwin, Haden, Kent and Zill of mango. 3. The control work consisted of spraying at branching period and blooming period, and studied at the mango orchard of Fengshan Tropical Horticultural Experiment Station and at Zen-mei village, Niau-song country, Kaohsiung district, respectively. In total of eight kinds of chemicals; Lebaycid e.c. 0.05%, Sumithion e. c. 0.05%, Sevin w. p. 0.1% & 0.05%, EPN e. c. 0.05%, Diazinen e. c. 0.05%, Dimecron s. 0.05% and Elsan e. c. 0.01% were tested. From the result we cleared that treatment at blooming period was more efficient than that of the same at branching period. The better three among eight chemicals were Sumithion e. c. 0.05%, Lebaycid e. c. 0.05% and Sevin w.p. 0.1%, which occupied the 1st to 3rd degrees respectively. 4. The first outbreak of mango twig borer appeared in March and the second one in November. The former coincide with the blooming period and the latter which was less seriously infected than the former, just agreed with the branching period of mango tree. It is suggested that a better time for control should begin in early January for the first outbreak, and in early October for the second outbreak. Though the competent time for spraying is depend upon the conditions of branching and blooming, it would be better to spray more than four times in order to secure an effective control.


